A Linux to Consider
If you don’t need Windows only computer games, here’s a Linux version you might want to try: https://betanews.com/2020/03/05/zorinos-152-linux-windows/.
If you don’t need Windows only computer games, here’s a Linux version you might want to try: https://betanews.com/2020/03/05/zorinos-152-linux-windows/.
I have just downloaded OpenWatcom C/C++ to try. Since I rarely use C++ professionally any more, but still like to tinker, I want to see if there is a good open source option for me to play with. For maintenance of existing projects, of course, I will stick with my Borland C++ Builder 6. I’ll…
I’ve been missing TweetDeck on my main office system, which uses Ubuntu Linux, ever since Twitter bought it and eliminated Adobe Air. I was suspicious of the stability of Air, but I liked TweetDeck, and it worked. I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t think of the solution myself, but rather found it here–TweetDeck for…
From opensource.com, 4 opensource alternatives to Microsoft Access. Some may be easier to use as well.
While I started working online with a 300 baud modem and later operated a bulletin board at the same speed (eventually adding 1200 and then-oh joy!-2400!), I’m relatively new to Linux, and wasn’t even aware that w3m was available. Linux Magazine has a brief writeup on it, and I was amazed at how well it…
Linux.com reports on the progress in just under a year of The Ada Initiative, which has this mission: “A world in which women are equal and welcome participants in open technology, open data, and open culture. We want women writing free software, women editing Wikipedia, women creating the Internet and women shaping the future of…
I can’t really say testing Scribus, because I’m very much not a graphics person. I do the page layout for my company’s books, but that’s because we’re such a small company, and I can just manage to do it. I do all that layout in OpenOffice.org Writer. Writer does a great job for someone like…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)