
Installation fun with Security Update for .NET Framework Service Pack 1.1

I normally assume my Windows updates will occur with a minimum of fuss and bother, and in fact it took me several rounds to even realize what was going on this morning. I kept getting an “updates ready to install” notice, and I kept telling it to install. I was too busy with morning activities…

Time to Learn

This post is addressed to those who own or manage small offices, such as professional people. In fact all of my regular customers are offices of various professional people The key problem that I observe in the use of computers in the office is simply that people absolutely will not take time to actually learn…

Safari for Windows

Having never been a Mac user, I’m not sure just how happy I should be that Safari has been released for Windows. Nonetheless, being the experimenter and lover of free software that I am, I’m using it to make this entry and to spread the word that it’s available. If I see good reason to…