Centering a Page with CSS
I’ve been working on upgrading all my old table based pages to this method for some time, but I wish I’d had clear instructions like these when I first started.
I’ve been working on upgrading all my old table based pages to this method for some time, but I wish I’d had clear instructions like these when I first started.
This example is actually simpler than most of what you’ll find on the web, and you need to build on it, but I often want to see a simple, stripped down example, so I thought I’d post it. I wanted to take existing header and footer graphics and adapt them to a wider page, preferably…
It’s one of my favorites for web site work as well as use as a programmer’s platform, and it’s available for download.
While I started working online with a 300 baud modem and later operated a bulletin board at the same speed (eventually adding 1200 and then-oh joy!-2400!), I’m relatively new to Linux, and wasn’t even aware that w3m was available. Linux Magazine has a brief writeup on it, and I was amazed at how well it…
I’ve been looking around the web for a discussion of various ways of keeping and portraying web site statistics and also for page ranking information. I’ve also had an opportunity to observe a few differences on my own sites and sites I manage. This involves around thirty domains for several different companies including both of…
… and doing so without changing the text style. I prepared this video for my brother, but decided someone else might find it useful, so I’m posting it here. You can find out more about format tags (HTML/CSS) on Mozilla’s Web Docs – Font-Size.
This is another quick fix. I added a new Sectigo security certificate to my ecommerce set, The certificate provides a seal which provided information to users. There’s a bit of Javascript Code to put into the header, and then some to be put in the body. My actual seal kept appearing at the bottom…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)