Five Mistakes Managers Make
… from Toni Bowers at TechRepublic.
… from Toni Bowers at TechRepublic.
I was thinking about faxes yesterday because someone asked me for my fax number. Now the fact is that I removed my fax line around nine months ago, and that it had been used for nothing but receiving junk faxes for a couple of years before that. All my vendors and customers take purchase orders,…
To maintain information you need to regularly remind yourself and your employees to be attentive in their use of tools. We learn to follow certain safety rules with power tools, but often we forget to be similarly attentive with the devices that store and (hopefully) protect our information Some (but by no means all) things…
From a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory franchise, according to The Consumerist. I bring this up to point out that a minimum level of common sense is required for good customer service. If you think you have enough rules to cover it, think again. Also see here and here on customer service. (HT: Pursuing Holiness.)
4 misconceptions about ethics and bias in AI ( is well worth reading, whether your designing AI or thinking about its use in society.
There’s a good post on the Help Desk at TechRepublic on support requests one should turn down. Since I provide support generally on an annual basis, this is something I have already learned. I have also learned that simply having the specifics in writing doesn’t make people happy. When you receive a support call, what…
. . . from a more serious perspective, from Jason Hiner.
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)