OpenOffice 3.1 for Ubuntu Jaunty
I’m sure a few people will be wondering. You can find good instructions here.
I’m sure a few people will be wondering. You can find good instructions here.
Since I have a project to provide free computers to those who cannot afford them (I’ll be creating a page about this soon), and since I use a version of Linux to accomplish my mission, I’m always on the lookout for better desktops for Linux. I haven’t tried this yet, and will report when I…
Greg Laden provides a good guest post by Scott Rowed. I agree in general with what he has to say. I found that I did have some problems with wireless when I got my wife to switch using a defunct laptop. The previous user had just dumped it due to problems with Windows XP which…
I ran into a problem with the formatting in cells today for sorting. I was trying to sort a number of dates, and they kept sorting as strings. I set the format of the cells to the appropriate date format, made sure all the cells were showing up that way, and tried the sort again….
On a spreadsheet I needed to enter a formula in one cell and then fill down with that formula over a range. My first thought was that, as in VBA, I would record a macro and get the commands. I sometimes do that when I just can’t remember and am too lazy to look everything…
If you don’t need Windows only computer games, here’s a Linux version you might want to try:
Well, here I am playing around with my new Ubuntu machine again, and being a Bible teacher and writer, I obviously want Bible software on any machine I’m running. A little effort found me the Sword Project, and it’s related materials. I intend to try out GnomeSword, and I’ll write about it when I do,…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)