gizmag: Top ten technologies that will change the world
And the list is here. They all sound reasonably revolutionary, but at the rate things are changing, how long will it take to change the list?
And the list is here. They all sound reasonably revolutionary, but at the rate things are changing, how long will it take to change the list?
I think this is a fairly good list. This might help folks deciding whether they can afford to use a Linux station at the office.
Some thoughts from the Career Management Blog.
I think one of the questions we should ask about politicians seeking office is whether they have a grasp of modern technology and its impact on society. By this I don’t mean that they can identify a few social media sites, but rather that they understand how these things work. Obviously, different skills are needed,…
4 misconceptions about ethics and bias in AI ( is well worth reading, whether your designing AI or thinking about its use in society.
… or something. The actual headline was How Narcissistic Leaders Squash Collaboration. My question is this: Did we need a study to tell us this? The results are worth reading, and if you’re choosing someone for a leadership role, they’re worth heeding. Despite all of this, overconfident leaders are also often the people who get…
I’ve derived some or all of my income from self-employment almost all of the last 20 years. I’ve gotten pretty good at estimating what I will make, and I can come close to my self-employment tax for the year in my head. But I’m not going to give you advice specifically about self-employment tax. Except…
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)