Facebook User Names
Apparently, there’s to be a sort of rush, according to TechCrunch.
Apparently, there’s to be a sort of rush, according to TechCrunch.
There are a number of things I like about the Obama administration, largely in foreign policy and to a lesser extent in terms of civil liberties. But there is one area where I disapprove totally. I think a company that fails should be permitted to fail. The only cushion provided should be the bankruptcy laws,…
… from Toni Bowers at TechRepublic.
From @jasonhiner: The Four Stages of the typical Twitter User. I’m trying to move from stage three to stage four.
McKain, Scott. The Collapse of Distinction. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009. I am not generally a fan of motivational books, and that is what I expected that this book would be when I picked it up–a lot of cheerleading and motivational speaking without that much practical advice. I already know I need a good attitude to…
I’m sure a few people will be wondering. You can find good instructions here.
I noticed a great deal of discussion on this while I was setting up a new site (The Jesus Paradigm), and since it seems that everyone who has written about it is doing something a bit more complicated than I wanted to do or than some folks on the forum wanted, I thought I’d write…
I was thinking about faxes yesterday because someone asked me for my fax number. Now the fact is that I removed my fax line around nine months ago, and that it had been used for nothing but receiving junk faxes for a couple of years before that. All my vendors and customers take purchase orders,…
Since I recommend Firefox all the time, I thought I’d put a note about this. There are solutions in this Ubuntu forum thread, but for those who might not get there because they’re thinking of the problem as one with opening a new tab, let me note the solution that worked for me, which is…
Good for open source? Matt Asay thinks so. (Via @jasonhiner on Twitter)
(Note: Page author Henry Neufeld is compensated for sales made through links on this page.)